This memory is of a very brief but touching time my son, Ben, and I had when we made our several thousand mile trip by Greyhound...all the way from Memphis to Portland Maine. We made memorable stops at Niagara Falls, Boston, and Portland. But I want to tell you about the short time we spent at the Vietnam Wall in Washington, DC.
We were on our way back to Memphis. DC was our last major stop. Our bus arrived in Washington at daybreak. We ate a great breakfast at the bus station and then started out by foot in the direction someone at the station pointed out. It was a gloriously beautiful morning in mid March. We walked until we began to see the whitest white buildings we had ever seen. We found a little cafe and set up our personal get food or go to the bathroom off and on all day. Anyway, the White House was closed on we missed that but then we went into area with so many wonderful sites: the Washington Monument, the Abraham Lincoln statue. It became cloudy and there was a mist of rain just as our eyes caught the Vietnam Wall. I didn't personally know a single soul who was in that war. Yet my eyes welled with tears as we looked up and down the wall. We saw letters left under some of the names, little flowers. But what we remembered most was a young fellow dressed in mismatched army clothes kneeling at one spot. What was he feeling? Whatever it was broke my heart. Soon we walked on...explored as much as we were allowed in the Capitol Building.., the Smithsonian, outside of Supreme Court. We didn't realize we were tired until we had walked back to the bus station to board the bus for home. It was ALL so wonderful...but I kept seeing...and still thirty years later that Vietnam Veterans' Wall and the young man who knelt there in the misty rain. just sayin' with love, annie in memphis
WEll, this is it, I guess. I am not leaving on a jet plane, yet I really DON'T know when or if I will be back again.
I joined facebook in 2010...and have been on and off it ever since.
I am "wore out" I guess and need to spend more time doing other things. I have lost my zeal for facebook as an entity,
but I have not lost the affection I have for so many facebook friends..mostly whom I have never met.
So long for now...
I won't forget you.
love, annie in memphis
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
unnamed by william benjamin brewer I did not recognize the piece, But let it play on anyway, So good it was to hear a chord, To hear again a melody. No Ninth it was, no symphony, But still.... I pictured in my mind the man Who sat before the possibility Within these eighty-eight potentiabilities And sought their hidden mysteries. For this it was I let the composition play: This man unnamed Has my admiration then, If not so much for what he's wrought, For what he dared essay. I typed this from Ben's book of poems written in pen and ink, on May 27, 2015 I just love it....annie
I will not begin at the beginning in Memphis...but will jump to the waiting room of the O'Hare in Chicago ... where I met two delightful ladies from South Dakota, who will be so important to my having such a good time. O'Hare airport, Chicago
I felt justified in people watching, since there was a six hour wait for the plane to London. The two most interesting people were two women traveling together. The younger one in her mid fifties had on a sport jacket with SOUTH DAKOTA on the back. She seemed to be in a losing argument with someone on the phone. Asta: fac simile 56 years old.
"Nicklas, please don't be upset with us...we will be in Stavanger soon but want to stop in Oslo first, but..but...but"... The older lady (mid sixties...but still younger than me) reached for the phone and said, "Asta, dear, please hand me the phone!" ...."Nicklas, this is your Aunt Eve speaking; this is the way it is going to be. We will spend a couple of days in Oslo and then will come to be with you in Stavanger. I have spoken. We love you! GOODBYE." Eve: fac simile 65 retired teacher
Then not looking at all embarrassed that I was staring at them, they introduced themselves and shared the sandwiches they had brought from home in South Dakota. I gradually learned that Nicklas' parents were killed in an auto crash; his mother was the sister of Asta and Eve. So Nicklas made his home with Eve as he grew up; .then he went away to college to study engineering.. Now he has a very well paying job with an oil company in Stavanger, Norway. Eve and Asta were hurt that he wouldn't settle down in S.
Dakota. He would not move back home; he loved his job in Norway and had been begging them for several years to spend a year with him. Now that Eve had retired they had no excuse!! Keep in mind that we talked for six hours at O' I
won't spend 6 hours telling you what we said; but here is
little about them. Although 100% American, they are of Norwegian descent. Their grandparents (maternal and paternal) came to South Dakota from Norway to make a home in the US. Eve just retired from teaching school. Asta is a well-to-do widow who is very involved in volunteer work with kids. We talked until our jaws ached then....
We slept until the plane arrived in London.. then only two more hours to Oslo!! The nephew, Nicklas, had already reserved a suite in the Grand Hotel for his aunts. President Obama stayed in this hotel when he was in Oslo for the Nobel Award, The sisters are both Democrats and their nephew knew they would be excited about staying here.
Because we clicked so well, they asked, then begged, then insisted, then demanded I share a suite with them in Oslo; since I was going there too. I gleefully agreed, because I was feeling lonely already. Nicklas was paying ALL their expenses, & little did they know that MONOPOLY MONEY was paying all of mine. We would stay at the best hotel, eat the best food...have a ball!! This has been a long day...will tell you about being in Oslo tomorrow. This trip is going to be great; I am so lucky to have these wonderful ladies as companions. ....goodnight from, annie ...this has been revised from the original which was too long and rambling..You say this is still too long and rambling.????.ab
After we agreed to spend the next day together with Jose, we were reluctant to leave the kitchen. We were curious about the evening dinner Jose would prepare..We asked if we could watch and hand uh..stuff. He seemed glad for the company. This is a special stew:
The ingredients were on the counter: dried apricots, sweet potatoes, onion, garlic, squash, tomatoes, corn and chunks of beef. Because the beef is so tender the cooking time is only an hour...and then it sits till supper for the ingredients to mesh. It smelled heavenly. Jose reached into a drawer in the kichen and pulled out a postcard. On one side was Pepe Gonzales, his address,etc. and the other side was totally blank. Mario was the ONLY ONE who called him Pepe. All his mail always went to Jose Gonzales. Jose told us only a little about the dirty war; he said he will tell us more tomorrow. He believed Mario sent that card to let Jose know he was alive.
We went to bed early...tired and anxious about tomorrow. ******************************************************* When morning came, Jose invited us to his small room to show us a framed 8X10 picture of Mario. It was the only picture hanging in his room. "Mario gave this to me. Only one copy." he said proudly. We were amazed seeing him standing on the horse like handsome, so brave.
************************************************************************ The tourists left early for an all day outing and Juan and his wife left on errands. Jose, Carmine, Beanie and I walked for awhile enjoying the landscape and talking and getting acquainted. We mostly enjoyed the porch.In every direction you can litis gorgeous!v Carmine told Pepe what Mario was like when we were all nineteen and good friends. She said that although her late husband was the love of her life, she had begun to feel so old lately. She remembered the young sweetheart of her youth and felt she should find him, and if he was still alive have a little visit or even just a cup of coffee..and slip back into her youth a little while. "Annie and Beanie don't understand. But they have been steadfast in helping me search for this treasure." "I guess that sounds silly to you, Pepe." "Of course not, Senora Carmine. I understand completely," Jose said kindly.
"Tell us more about the last time you saw Mario," I said. He responded, "I'm almost sorry you asked. It was a nightmare. Argentina was a scary place during some of the 70s and 80s. The government and militia brutally arrested anyone they wanted to. One day police came to our estancia and arrested two of Mario's friends and were trying to take them away, when Mario tried to fight them off unsuccessfully. I saw this with my own eyes and was there a week later when they came for Mario and took him away blindfolded. I never saw or heard from my idol again...unless that postcard really was from Mario."
Trying to change the subject to something less heartbreaking I asked Jose to tell us about Mario's happy life on the estancia. Relieved to move to something lighter Jose said, "Everyone loved and admired him... SO handsome, so friendly. He could rope cattle, ride horseback, do any ranch hand work needed better than anyone else." We wondered why he never came back to the states. "His parents in Buenos Aires were in bad health and needed him near. After they died, he once said he would like to visit the states again, but he had heard his sweetheart there had gotten married.(carmine looked down)..and also, LAS PAMPAS and the gaucho life get in your blood. I had also wanted to be a gaucho, but didn't have the physical stamina.. But this land is in my blood just as it was with Mario." At lunch time we persuaded him to have leftover stew for the four of us. It was even better than the night before.The only thing added was a green crisp salad. v vv
***************************************************************************** Everyone returned in time for dinner. Afterwards we pitched in with the dishes; then we all ate homemade (Pepemade) cookies.
w We asked Juan if we could use his computer a little while. "Of course," he answered. We know so little about Argentine history in general and nothing about the "dirty war" Pepe had told us about. DURING a dictatorship, thousands of people like Mario disappeared.
There were 300 places where people were detained...and ROSARIO was one of them!!!
ROSARIO WAS ONE OF THOSE PLACES!! Was that post card a hint as Jose supposed? So last night we were wondering if we should go to Rosario. How would we get there? Where would we look when we did get there? When we KNOW more, we'll tell YOU more. IT IS FRIDAY...AND A NEW DAY... Love, Carmine, Beanie, annie, and Pepe too!! ********************************************************
SO WE MOVE INTO A DIFFERENT WORLD!! Our Memphis Personal Assistant (Ben) was faxed a copy of the post card the Mendoza family had of the Peres Estancia, the last place the treasure was known to have worked. bigger than it looks!
Ben had a nice conversation by phone with Juan Peres, owner of Estancia Peres. Ben learned it is no longer exclusively a cattle ranch the way it was when Mario worked there; now it also is a dude ranch and can accommodate up to ten people. Ben registered us and paid everything in advance (of course!) Ben also arranged with the hotel Avear that their shuttle would take us the 80 miles over there. Our MPA is the best!! *************************************************** Before we left we called the Mendozas to say goodbye and to remind them we would love to pay all their expenses if they can ever come to Memphis. We said goodbye to the hotel staff and tipped extravagantly...and why not? As you know, I've GOT the money!! *********************************************** Buenos Aires is considered to be the Paris of South we are in an entirely different looking world... reminds me of New Mexico.
. v
We were almost there. As Carmine looked out the shuttle window at gauchos tending cattle, she sighed.
"I can see this was the perfect
life for Mario be out in the open spaces."
Beanie added, "Yes, and he was just a few hours away from his family in BUENOS AIRES."
We arrived!! It started raining and the lights were on.
Only 4 tourists were there; they were eating lunch, when
we entered. It was like a home. No reception desk. The owner and his wife were at the table with the tourists. We were invited to join them for lunch; but we had already had a deluxe brunch at the hotel before we left.
Juan Peres came over and introduced himself and greeted us in beautiful English, saying he had been looking fwd to our arrival.
He said our MPA told him we have an interesting reason for being here...?"something about someone who once worked here."
We said, "Yes, we are looking for information about Mario z Mendoza."
"Was he a gaucho?" he asked. "I don't recognize the name. He must have worked for my late father. We have a scrap book on the coffee table with many pictures of gauchos who have worked here, but no names unfortunately. The tourists just enjoy seeing the pictures" We started flipping through the pages...late 70's and early 80's. c vThe MENDOZAS H
When we last saw Mario we all were so young..nineteen. It is only natural he would have changed a lot.
Juan Peres left his other guests for a moment and returned
to us, seeing our disappointment. 'I have an idea... I am thinking our wonderful cook, Jose Gonzales just might have known him...Jose has lived on this ranch all his life. Go on back to the kitchen and talk with him. He speaks English." so we did go back into the kitchen and found a handsome man in his early sixties standing at the sink. We introduced ourselves and hopefully asked if he had ever heard of Mario z. Mendoza. He smiled warmly. "Of course I remember Mario. He was one of my heroes, my idol. He was about 20 years older than me. He treated me like a son...taught me English...He told me about Memphis, Korea and other far away places, I would never see. I must start the dinner meal now. Tomorrow the tourists will be out on an excursion and my work will be light....if you like we can spend the day together and I will tell you all I can remember. " We asked if we could just hang around the kitchen and watch him cook...but will tell you about that tomorrow. Now we will stop....and tell you more tomorrow. Can't EXPRESS how thrilled we are to spend time with this man who actually knew Mario. The relatives at the picnic mostly knew ABOUT him from stories they had head. to bed....fac simile