I found myself in a different place, altogether, perhaps a different time from 2013.
I looked down and saw I had on the maroon bathrobe my husband once wore. Under it was an old fashioned floor length flannel night gown. I didn't really look so out of place as I looked around me.
I seemed to be waiting with a throng of people for a parade to start. It reminded me of the Christmas parades in Memphis so many years ago. But this was in the day time and the excitement of the people seemed to go way beyond something you would expect for mere parade.
People were waving palms and shouting at Someone I could only now see at a distance.
There was an elderly lady standing by me; she had two palm branches and handed me one. I waved mine too, although I wasn't quite sure why??? I gathered she was Hebrew Jew (spoke Hebrew) and she assumed I was a Greek Jew. Or perhaps she was speaking Aramaic; anyway I could not understand anyone.
הושיעה־נא,הושיעה נא hôšâ‘-nā
Hosanna!! Were they saying Hosanna? Indeed!!
So this was Palm Sunday!!! And I somehow was there as a witness!!
When Jesus was at the top of the road ready to descend, he paused a moment. Was He crying as he viewed Jerusalem below him?

There was clothing thrown on a donkey which Jesus sat upon, Then the crowd began to throw down their cloaks on the road for Jesus to ride over. I threw down my bathrobe and waved my own palm branch vigorously. The crowd was shouting!!

The procession gradually reached us. I could only shout, "Hosanna!"
From the Bible I remembered, (although I could not understand)...
When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:
"Blessed is the king
who comes in the name of the Lord!""Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" 40 "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.
The lady next to me tried to point to her back...and
then she bent over in a stooped position,stood upright and and did it again. She was showing me that Jesus had straightened her back!!
My new companion took my arm and led me to the temple where the procession reached.

She then motioned for me to follow her to her home.
We had light refreshments.
Then I sat in a chair to rest a little, then closed my eyes
I was so happy
because when I saw JESUS
I could tell he recognized me, knew my name.
I guess I napped just a little, then I smelled eggs
frying in our kitchen at home. I heard Ben(son) say,
"I'm up!!" I answered, "Me too!"
I was so happy
because when I saw JESUS
I could tell he recognized me, knew my name.
I guess I napped just a little, then I smelled eggs
frying in our kitchen at home. I heard Ben(son) say,
"I'm up!!" I answered, "Me too!"
May you all be blessed.
Love, annie in memphis