Wednesday, May 30, 2012


don't read this for the time many pictures are gone, it will have to be reworked. ab.
Benjamin Brewer  1933-2012
I borrowed these pictures from our son, Roy.

THIS IS A SELF PORTRAIT OF MY HUSBAND, BEN. It was painted not so long ago. It is a very good likeness, yet his countenance was much sweeter and more gentle. I think you will agree he was handsome. Here he is with his sons in New Mexico.  Followed by one of him playing in a little trio with his sons.v

So I closed my eyes today and remembered my husband patiently and quietly and lovingly  painting in his little "studio" room next to our kitchen.   This black and white copy really looks so much like him. This memory is so sweet I surely will relive it ...again and again,

US Leisure Backgammon ChairHe sat when he painted. This is how his chair looked when he first bought it. He used old pillows to make it comfortable.  It is hard to look at his simple, white plastic chair, empty now.  It gradually was covered with paint and such. 


I wish I had known him as a little boy; this drawing captured something that remained until the day he died.

 I will show you his paintings  often on the blog.  Because he began to paint seriously after we were married, each one brings back a special memory to me. If I passed his chair, he would say, "Don't look, don't look until I am finished." I admit to stealing a glimpse now and then. He painted every day.

 Here is one of the Marian, Ky. tobacco farmers gathering early in the morning. Ben painted it from a snapshot of a time before he was even born.

I have been remembering and I feel refreshed.
Perhaps you have been recalling 
something special today too. I hope so.
More? You say?
This is his dad we called "PAP."
New Mexico

Love from 
memphis annie
 This pic is two years old; I look even worse now.!!
Patricia Ann Caldwell Brewer (Face Book) June2, 2012
I didn't have the heart to ask anyone in the family to help me clean up and out Ben's studio by the kitchen. Linseed oil, tubes of oil paint, gesso, thinner,etc. assorted tacky paint splattered tables to hold it all. Around 40 long brushes in different sizes standing in a big earthen jar ben Jr. made. And against the wall one canvas already prepared to be painted later. Such useless things on their own without the one who used them to create beauty. I shoulda done it sooner. That's what Ben would have wanted. I didn't throw anything he painted with away, put them out in the storage house. Put the white chair on the front porch with large red pillows. I will enjoy sitting in his chair.  annie
Can't resist one more song which expresses how I feel. Here is Julie London singing so softly and sweetly....All for now from
            annie  in memphis                                          