Thursday, February 28, 2013


I heard the academy awards show would be on this past Sunday evening; I thought, "So what?"  

I didn't care to see it live, so I taped it so at a later time I could fast forward to parts I liked. Then yesterday I found I didn't even want to do that; so I erased the whole program. I no longer have the Hollywood of my childhood.

                               HOORAY for HOLLYWOOD
                                   OF MY CHILDHOOD!!
Every Saturday afternoon without fail, the neighborhood kids would form a long line outside the Rialto, which was only a block from where we lived. ALL of us knew each other from school. We got there before they started selling tickets so we could talk to each other.  The manager would not allow ANY CONVERSATION once inside. 

There were two features, hrides.jpg (25922 bytes)   serial (such as THE  GREEN HORNET, The Green Hornet (1940) Poster cartoons, & coming attractions...we were there from 2 until 5 o'clock. In the summer time we also went on Friday nights...usually there would be a more serious (and to me boring) movie. The tickets were 12 cents and 35 cents. My little brothers went with me and sometimes a  cousin too. 

                                   MOVIE MAGAZINES

My neighbor friends and I were quite young when we discovered movie magazines, which actually cost very little. 
At the most 10 cents.

Ginger Rogers 1938Myrna Loy - Movie MIrror 8-1935

We liked to cut out the pictures and paste them into scrapbooks. But the best part is we found the so call addresses of the stars. So we wrote them fan letters. And would you believe the studios actually sent back autographed was so exciting when the mail came. Of course our mail from Hollywood went into the scrapbooks too. That only went on a few years, but we had such fun with the magazines...not even reading the sometimes unsavory articles.

                          HOLLYWOOD STAR PAPER DOLLS

                                  Paper Dolls: Mills Brothers

 Charlotte and I loved to play paper dolls of Hollywood stars. Usually in the summer time, right after lunch. We each had a large magazine and would use it to house the dolls and clothes. There were  categories (such as dresses, coats, play clothes, etc.) between pages, which would keep them from wrinkling.

I remember we acted rather elaborate stories, thought up on the spot. Paper dolls, along with "plyke" (play like,) gave us  wonderful opportunities to be creative. And we never minded that the dolls only had one side??!!
<p class="pzoomtext">See larger image</p>  Tom Tierney's Movie Star Paper Dolls 

I think Hollywood has given us magic through the years. Fantasy is a wonderful friend. I guess Hollywood hasn't really changed; I guess I just miss that little girl I used to be...who enjoyed so much about Hollywood.
If you have similar memories, I would love to hear from  you. Love, annie