Friday, November 1, 2013


I was sitting at a computer at the library yesterday morning.

I heard just to my left...the sound of someone falling down.

I looked around and saw a man on the floor stretched out saying,

"I am hot..." 

I recognized him as one who often sits by me on the fifteen minute

computer...he never looks my way. But I noticed him...because he

appeared to be homeless..a man of undetermined age...with dirty,

wrinkled clothes and unwashed, matted hair. I was thinking his

corn colored hair would be beautiful if shampooed!!

My heart went out to his situation.

 And as I saw him lying on the floor waiting for an

ambulance to come, I thought, "He was once some mother's  yellow

headed little boy."

She probably had loudly called him in for supper, when 

 he was playing too far down the street...she probably read to

him before bedtime and kissed him goodnight.

What could have caused his situation?  I don't know, of course.

The ambulance drivers took him away...but for me he doesn't go 

away...I care...and don't think we should forget people like
and say, "They oughta get a job!!"

Although I am conservative politically, nevertheless I am all for

helping  those in honor of and in memory of....

their mothers. And mostly because Jesus showed us the way.

Just sayin' with love, annie in memphis