Friday, January 18, 2013


                                   DAY TIME IN AMSTERDAM

The only explanation I have that I could sleep so well is that I was completely exhausted when we got to bed last night. I was having a pleasant dream of home, when the cell phone rang.  Almost 7:15 as you can see on the clock in the picture. Someone hung up?
Wrong number? How?  Was it Gretchen who didn't recognize an unfamiliar voice and hung up? We decided Hilda should answer the phone if it rang again. But the phone didn't ring again.

Everything looked less ominous in the sunlight. We had room service bring us coffee, juice, and sweet rolls and we nibbled. Being daytime we didn't ask for anyone to escort us, thinking we might look less suspicious by ourselves. Of course that was silly..a middled aged lady and an 80 year old lady in itself would look suspicious!!!
We went back to the coffee shop where Gretchen had last been seen and ACTUALLY ORDERED COFFEE. We  told people we were a family seeing the Netherlands together, when the granddaughter decided to go for a walk by herself and got lost. We passed around Gretchen's picture.
                                                . Photo of beautiful teenage girl with red hair Stock Photo - 5352746fac simile

Finally a young employee in a wheelchair said, "Yes, I did see her. She was trying pot for the first time...she was here quite awhile then got a headache and the munchies, wanted to eat. Her personality became different, hostile.  Hester, who works here, took her to her place where she could eat, then lie down and sleep it off.  Your granddaughter  is so pretty and has such a nice laugh." 
 fac simile

He spoke good English. "Hester might be on duty again around two o'clock. "

Finally we were getting somewhere!!! But where? Was this girl to be trusted.  So again we left the phone number and name of hotel.

Then we walked for awhile viewing the district in the daytime, looking for any sign of Gretchen, whom I had never met but come to love.


Although a few girls continued to scratch on the windows for customers, for the most part the red district was quiet during the morning.   

We were amazed to learn that the Rossebuurt neighborhood is in fact one of the oldest and most beautiful parts of the city with long winding narrow, cobbled streets and utterly charming l4th century architecture.



We went back to the original coffee shop to get a light meal. 

Some people recognized us and were friendly.
A few people spoke English, and we learned a lot about the 200 coffee shops in Amsterdam. For one thing they cannot serve alcohol, if they sell pot...they have to choose one or the other. Also, they can't sell to someone under eighteen. 

  We decided to eat something, wait for Hester and rest...we actually did not see anyone smoking dope....maybe having an old lady present is stifling...haha.

We ate this: not sure exactly what it was...maybe fish filet with lots of stuff on it. It was good!!

At two o'clock an attractive oriental looking girl arrived for work.   fac simile

We introduced ourselves and asked if Gretchen was still at her place. She tried to look confused and stuttered that she didn't know what we meant. We showed her the picture and told her a CIA agent was at our disposal if she did not cooperate with us.

 Both Hilda and I began to cry from disappointment. The girl seemed to be moved...but nevertheless, ran out the back door.

Again we left the phone number and name of our Hotel with all the employees.  We asked for Hester's address but nobody seemed to know or admit they knew it. We were too tired to find her apartment or room anyway...but that would be next.

When I know more, I'll tell you more.
love. annie

so tulips Beautiful colorful tulips wooden shoes Gretchen.

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