Saturday, April 13, 2013


I have put so many different kinds of things on this blog...a few pretend trips, a couple of fantasy trips, Ben's poetry and paintings, a guest blogger, many  of my own precious memories. (67 entries.)

 That was a mistake. Sort of a hodgepodge of stuff...especially if anyone else cared to read the blog. I had most of my pretend trips on my first blog started in 2011. (76 entries.)

But I never really meant for my blog writing to entertain others, but to entertain Ben and me.
         Cruise Ship on the Ocean clipart Steam train -               

 In 2011 I got the idea that pretend trips could be remembered the same as "in the flesh" trips. I have been blessed with thousands of miles of real live travel...both in US and abroad....also thousands of miles of pretend trips. But now my brain remembers pretend and live trips just the same. And I use my three blogs as permanent scrapbooks to save the details.

After sleeping on a Greyhound bus so many times (which was actually kind of fun) I decided my pretend trips should be first class in travel, I would stay in the most expensive hotels, eat at the most expensive restaurants. I would tell people I had unlimited funds (?) that can only be used for travel. I would pay for it all with monopoly money or a monopoly charge card. 

I'll be back on 

I will continue the same way on my trip around the world. So far only one entry. 

But it will probably be boring because I have no story in mind so far.
If I were you I wouldn't bother reading it...instead, I hope you will make your own pretend trips. If I can do it, anyone can. Love, annie

1 comment:

  1. I won't be posting any more blog entries on face book...but then I am an old lady and could change my mind.
    But as of now that is the plan. If any of you have read my stuff...thanks. Love, annie
