Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I remember that shortly after my 50th birthday, a liquor store in Memphis held a 10 K out near the airport.

Everyone in the family was busy that morning so I drove out there by myself.  In addition to the main prize, there were smaller awards given to winners by age category.  I recognized a woman runner I had seen before...and when I looked on the list I saw there were only the two of us in the 50 and up category. The other runner was 60+, white headed, and wrinkled. 

I thought, "Now is my chance, surely I can beat her." 


When the race began, she took off like lightening, and I was far behind her.  image of a silly woman jogging in a vector clip art illustration clipart

When they presented the awards, I heard "Second place in the category of 50 up, is Ann Brewer."  

Beaming, I stood as everyone applauded.

You won't believe this...I WAS SO PROUD, not at all embarrassed that there were only two of us. I confess I still recall that feeling of pride...shame on me!!

I confess...but I guess to have run 6 miles at all was worthy of some attention...

Now that I am nearing 80, I figure I can remember this story anyway I like. Sometimes imagining a cup...

The recent Boston Marathon was a nightmare....yet before the explosions  I could identify with those runners who finished safely.

For I still remember running as a very positive part of my life..
from 46 yrs to 60 yrs old.
This picture was made in a Memphis in May 10 k a year later.



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