I wrote this recently for MEMORIAL DAY weekend. I think it still applies to the 4TH weekend...so sending it again!!

Yesterday I bought three American flags and put them on the lattice that runs along our porch. This is yet another beautiful day in Memphis, both cool and sunny. The flags are blowing in the gentle breeze.
Now the flags have returned to the porch for the 4th weekend and continue to blow in the gentle breeze......
I am thinking many people who lived during WWII perhaps have a different feeling for our country from ones who were born later.
I was in the second grade when we were surprised by December 7, 1941. I remember hearing President Roosevelt on the radio; Mother was crying and Daddy looked so sad. His brother, Clifford Grogan Caldwell was a professional soldier and surely would go to war. (He would be part of the Invasion of Normandy and lived to come home. He was our hero.)
I remember clearly how we loved our country. There was a sense of nationwide camaraderie. Like we all knew each other, almost like being kin. Our service men were heroes, and we developed an attachment to the ones we didn't even know personally.
Of course now I know our country isn't perfect; yet I continue to love "us" and pray for "us"..."My country tis of thee...sweet land of liberty" Indeed!
Wave on, Flags on my porch...wave on.
with love, annie in memphis

SUNDAY during the CELEBRATE AMERICA program, it was such a moment of pride to see the service men from the different branches stand up. I could picture my sweet LOVED ONES now in heaven, standing out there with them: Ben, Leroy, Uncle cliff.....and so many others.