Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I so wish all of you could sneak into our Wednesday night choir practices at COLONIAL BAPTIST CHURH;          
all of you, who have ever sung in choirs, know already what a bonding experience it is.  During the time you are singing, choir members feel so close. 

We have the extra pleasure of having a choir director, STEPHEN LEN WHITE, 

who keeps us laughing!!! 
                    also a bonding experience.

Tomorrow night (7/10/2013) will be a particularly lovely time, because we will work  on music by BURYL RED, to be sung next Sunday, July 14.

                             "IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME."

                                        Buryl Red
Buryl Red, described by The Washington Post as "uncommonly creative", the musical work of Buryl Red as composer, conductor, producer, and arranger, may be experienced in such diverse venues as Carnegie Hall, Saturday Night Live, and thousands of schools, churches, and theaters around the world. His output includes more than sixteen hundred published compositions and arrangements, production of over 2500 recordings,< and the musical supervision, composition, and arranging for several hundred shows, documentaries, and musical specials for network and cable television. Several of his choral works including Celebrate Life and the first performing edition of Pergolesi's Magnificat are considered landmarks in their fields. He is the executive record producer for some of the most widely used music textbooks in the United States including the new Silver Burdett Making Music series. Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, Buryl Red is a graduate of the music schools of Baylor University and Yale University and now lives in New York City. (he died on April 3, 2013<)He has been honored with many civic and professional awards and degrees. He is particularly honored with the inclusion of his well-known song, "In Remembrance", in The African-American Heritage Hymnal published in 2001.

Our own Jamie Sinatra  plays the obligato part on his oboe...too beautiful to describe.
and as always, our genius on the piano...minus the glasses, haha... Sandy Murphree!! 

Needless to say rehearsal will be yet another another wonderful time for us. 
Just sayin' with love, annie


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