
I was around fifty on this particular day.

Usually I was assigned to the girls' lockup area where there were few inmates. But one day they were short on the boys' floor, so I went there to help out
We took a small keyboard; & while we were getting ready, I looked up and saw on both sides hosts of teenage boys descending stairs. They walked with their hands behind them as instructed.
The meeting room was large and when full sort of an intimidating scene.
We had lots of singing; then a woman (who was about my age now)
gave a fiery talk to motivate them on to a better path. The boys seemed to love this grandmother figure.
Then she said, "If anyone would like for someone to pray with you, would you raise your hand; someone will come to you."
An African American who looked about 40 years old, big, strong, and very black...raised his hand. I remembered one of the policemen had warned us...not to get too close.
"Someone can grab you and hold you as a hostage!!!!!"
I admit to being terrified. "D, duh, do you want someone to pray with you?" I stuttered.
He started sobbing. "I want you to pray that my momma will come down here to see me."
So I took his hand, and we prayed....about his momma and other things too.
WHAT?? Who woulda thought...His MOMMA?!!
Suddenly I could see that we were so different yet so alike!!!!. I went to the boys' floor from then on and was never afraid again, and remembered the teenagers were in some ways...still children.
ALL "precious in HIS sight!!!"
Yesterday during discussion time at Pastor's Bible class, I remembered this event and shared; on the way home I wondered if I had told it to bring attention to myself ?! Hope not....not then, not now...
Just sayin' with love, annie
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