Saturday, December 22, 2012

Remembering WILLIAM LEROY CALDWELL (1937-2012)

William Leroy Caldwell...My little brother was 75 when he died tonight at 9:30 at a beautiful hospice in Altameda Springs, Florida.

I am the only one living who remembers when he was born.

 Nobody remembers when I was born.

All my childhood memories on Decatur St. are tied in with Leroy and Jerry (the younger little brother now 70.) I have always been just crazy about both of them!

Leroy is the brother who petted the lion at the Memphis Zoo,

 who was in the story about Daddy operating on our chicken, when as a four year old ran in and told Daddy that a "varmit had bit" our chicken

who was in my blog entries about Christmases in Memphis, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1944.

who when young was mistaken for Elvis Presley one time in a cafe in East Tennessee by girls who were giggling and pointing to him. The waitress told Leroy and he simply put his finger to his lips as if to say shhhh, then ran like crazy to get away from them.
Photo: Here is a picture of my brother Leroy Caldwell in his MP uniform when he was in the army stationed in Europe. It is small, but you can see why those girls in that cafe in E. Tennessee mistook him for Elvis. Funny story. I didn't know Elvis, but leroy did...such a friendly guy!!

who always said when a kid that he never wanted to get married because he would get an ugly girl...and alas, married one of the most beautiful and best girls in the world. Shirley Ann Murray.
And had a wonderful son, John Paul.Photo

who grew up in Speedway Baptist Church in Memphis and also was in the boy scout troop the church sponsored  &  who also received the blue cape and sword as a Royal Ambassador when 12 years old

who went to Humes High School and who studied at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee

who was in the US Army, stationed in Europe

who was pastor of Waring Rd. Baptist Church. Amazing that he with a few church members and mostly Daddy built that building, themselves. Everything except electrical work; Daddy even did the plumbing.

who one year went from village to village in India preaching to small groups who might gather. A young boy who played the guitar went with him. He also traveled extensively in the Near East.Photo

who some years ago had an early morning Christian TV program and was highly praised by Marguerite Piazza, when a guest on the show.

who had a playful, wonderful sense of humor....and one time when I said I wish we could see each other more often...he said I was with him all the time!!

My husband always said Leroy and I were like twins...not in appearance or the same age even
but still alike in so many ways. If that is true it was a privilege to be his twin.

Shirley said that before Leroy died their son said, "Did you see that?" She did. They saw a bright light zip across the room at the hospice. They believe it was the angel taking him home. 
Love, annie in memphis....God is good all the time...Blessed be the name of the Lord.


  1. Since I first wrote this on the evening he died, I have added two pictures. love, annie

  2. This blog entry is one of the most viewed entries I have ever published. I am glad, because it pleases me that people want to read little brother!! Thank you Lord for beautiful memories.

  3. I really love your blogs TIffany. I read every time you post and always feel uplifted or that I've learned something. Thank you for including scripture in your blog as well because I get my short fix of God through you and your blog! Thanks again! :Christian tv

    1. I was delighted to hear from you, Loretta. If you also have a blog, I would love to read it.May God bless you...
      I am on face book under Patricia Ann Caldwell Brewer.
      Love, annie
