Sunday, July 15, 2012


Well, Blog Friends,
You might well wonder what annie was doing on Wreck Beach at Vancouver.
Vancouver BCVancouver
lovely city
Well, this is what happened. Maybe thirty years ago  Ben was taking a six week intensive course in  Japanese at University of British Columbia . He was already teaching a first year course at U. of Memphis, but wanted to advance his students to a second year. actually ben rode his bike all over campus, so I chose                                                                  this pic of U of Memphis.
The plan was that I would fly out and spend the last two weeks with him. 
As it turned out, he had so much class work to do, that I hardly saw him, which meant I was out on my own a lot.
Ben rented a tiny apartment walking distance from the university. So every day I would run over there and look for some action. 

One day I heard the most marvelous singing at a distance. I ran up to a large white tent on campus where a meeting of the World Council of Churches was happening that summer. What luck!  I ran over there every day, watched them debate on various issues, (can't say for sure, but I think in this building.) Morning worship was in the white tent, but the business was carried on in campus buildings. 

I went to a reception for Coretta King in the school library. I did not mention I was from Memphis, but I did get to say hello to her.

 So you might ask what this has to do with Wreck Beach? Well, I am an old lady and I am just getting to that.
One day I was running along the road leading to the university but decided to go down to the beach and run there.  I had on my 10 k Memphis Race shirt, shorts, and nikes. Anyway, I was deep in thought, when I happened to look down trying not to step on sun bathers as I ran.
Beach without sunbathers.
 Well, many people seemed to be lying on their stomachs, which gave me the opportunity to see many naked bottoms. What? I said, this girl being from the Bible belt. I obviously had not seen this sign: I just kept running, trying not to step on anyone  and finally got back on the road again.  Later I learned this from the internet. Wreck Beach adjoins the University of British Columbia (UBC) campus, west of the city limits of Vancouver. It is accessible by road, water, and public buses. The most popular part, Trail 6, is 3 km overland from Vancouver.

Nudity is optional throughout Wreck Beach; however, regular beach-goers consider it good etiquette to join the unclothed rather than just observe them. Additionally, due to Wreck Beach's proximity to the University of British Columbia, many students and even faculty, can be found at Wreck Beach
Was I "bewitched, bothered, and bewildered" 

upon seeing this?

Not in the least. 

Sandy bottoms were not erotic at all. So I was 

Still I felt like an intruder and sped away. I felt like it was an experience 

not many of my friends at home would ever 


All in all we loved Canada.  This was a true 

precious memory. 

 If you have been to a 

nude beach lately, tell me about it.

love, from annie


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