We napped so soundly on that "prison bed;" in fact, when I awoke I thought I was home in Memphis. Here is the bedroom we selected.

There was a "hit" put out on him: Igor...something by a rival foreign group. This was of interest to our country.

Ben said, " When we got off the plane this morning, agents were there looking for Igor. They saw we were being followed by unsavory looking men and Igor was no where in sight. So we are being protected until Igor is caught (or killed) or until the correct information as to who I really am can be revealed."
I'll admit I was laughing no more!!
I could see by Ben's countenance that he believed Larry.
Ben said, "Annie, I should not have let you talk me into renting that luxurious pimp mobile looking lemousene in Poland. I bet that is when someone first mistook me for Igor__. Everybody was staring at us.We were really looking suspicious."
I realized I had been childish...and tried to apologize.
But Ben continued. "Larry has a wild plan that only he (well, maybe you) could think up.

"We are to pretend we have come to Geneva to celebrate our 55th wedding anniversary by renewing out vows. Because Elvis attended Humes the same time you did, the so-called renewal wedding will have an "Elvis" theme.
Some of your old Humes friends will fly in tonight. They will stay here with us. Also, there will be several agents mixed in with them. Our friends actually believe the "renewal of vows" story and are excited over a free trip to Geneva."
When our guests come up on the private elevator, this room is what they will see as they get off. It will knock their socks off!!

"One more thing...hold your breath.
All the men in the wedding party, the agents and I will be wearing Elvis impersonator costumes& wigs.
When we go downstairs to the wedding reception in a fancy restaurant, no one will be able to pick me out. You and I will be whisked away from the others to a new hiding place."
Shortly Geneva policemen arrived with trays of tasty food. We were starving and ate every bite. While waiting we turned on the largest TV I had ever seen and watched a movie.
Then another policemen brought in a box with the Elvis costumes and wigs.
Finally the Memphians arrived; all in their late seventies.
This was scary and at the same time...so much fun. More food was brought in and we had a party. It was explained to our guests why they were brought there.

Laughter reigned. They voted LOVE ME TENDER would be our anniversary song. AND the group will sing it tomorrow as they go down the private elevator to the hotel lobby and into the restaurant for the reception.
Tomorrow is the big day....
When we know more,we'll tell you more!
Love, ben and annie
Honestly, I can't tell you how happy this makes me to remember that trip without checking my original trip I made up..6 months ago. My theory works, at least for me. When I am finished I will check my memory against the first story and see how close I came. annieinmemphis.blogspot.com
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