In the fall of 1979 I was 46 years old and feeling down cast. I can't explain to you, my blog Friends, why. A wonderful husband, sons, and friends had I. Yet I felt fat, bored and boring. Depressed.
One theater movie and one made for TV movie shook me up and started me on a new road...running.
The way I was feeling at the time, I saw Rocky as a character slightly like me. We felt like losers.
Could I, a forty-six year old homemaker, begin a running program, myself....well...maybe....

So I announced to Ben, the boys, and all the family and friends that I was going to start running every day. They thought, "Right??!!" I went to Target and got a cute navy blue warm up suit (long pants) almost identical to this one
This is a good time to mention that I had NEVER been athletic. When soft ball teams were chosen in gym, I was always the last to be picked!!
It is one mile from our house to Overton High School. This would be my 2 mile course.

So I started walking. Then I would alternate between running and walking until I finally got back home. What could I do? I couldn't give up after buying my running wardrobe.
So the next night I alternated again, then the next night, then the next... my lungs quit hurting. Then after three weeks I ran all the way to the high school before I had to alternate again. Whoo hoo.
Then after a few more days I ran the entire course of two miles without stopping. When I ran into our house, my arms were lifted up like Rocky's in total rejoicing.
I ran 6 miles a day 7 days a week for many years.

So I thought you might like to hear about this. Many of you women in your forties, in particular, may be feeling the way I did. You can find SOMETHING, not necessarily running, but something that can help your life the way running did mine.
Do I still run? No. I am 79. But I ran often well into my sixties...and found that the eyes of a runner view the world at just the right speed.

All for now, Love, annie. God is good.
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