Wednesday, July 11, 2012



Quick light flickers in horizon sky,
Before I turn, brief glow eludes my eye.
Familiar scent can come on alien street,
Recalling somehow one in youth so sweet.

A face I glimpse repeats one I have known,
That sketch then fades into the years and's gone.
Vague syllables from nearby table seem
Reprise imperfect of a faded dream.

Faint notes I catch sometimes from out my past,
Reverberations these that will not last.
I would recapture youth inside my head,
But yesterday is of the heart instead.

Breezes blow affirming young was there,
But time befouls of youth the pristine air.

WBB  1933-2012 self  portrait
I am pleased to submit some of my husband's poems I found in a loose leaf notebook only a week or so ago. I had never seen them
before, but I am delighted that he left them. I want to share them with you. With love, annie

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