After our wonderful day at the Overton High School cast call, we eventually quit talking about it and went on to other things. Then a letter came. It informed Ben he had been selected to be an extra.
It gave instructions to go to the Fairgrounds on a certain day (wish I could remember when) to be fitted for a costume. A costume? Wow. The plot thickens.
He requested that I get to go along. Answer: NO!
So when the day came, he went to this huge van parked at the Fairgrounds; it was packed with all sorts of clothes. A "costumer" carefully chose things for Ben to try many clothes!!

Ben could not believe so much attention was given to the clothes of an extra. He was there a good part of the day. He was told he would be a German, sitting on a bench, reading a German news paper as Johnny Cash walked by heading for a instrument store to buy a guitar. Not sure but I think the scene was in Lindsburg, Germany.Easy, huh?
When he got home all excited, I couldn't wait to hear every little morsel about the day...but first..I WAS SHOCKED AND DISMAYED AND DISAPPOINTED!!!

This is an old picture but shows the way Ben's hair looked before the Hollywood lady cut it. It never grew this long again.
They had cut his beautiful hair which looked a little too hippy for the part. Part?!!
For years Ben (with my encouragement) always
wore his hair on the longish side. I was more disappointed than he was. Yet, he (we) were still having so much fun. WE were in show business.
Keep in mind here is a guy with a doctorate who had also won prizes for his art, was now caught up in this part as an EXTRA. But I am not throwing stones, because I was TOO!!
More soon. Love, annie

Wow! They cut his hair! That would be a shocker!