Thursday, June 28, 2012



                                              THE SORROW PATCH

That sorrow patch out by the gate
Never needs a watering,
Though true, a midnight rain can help.
My patch's product exiles sleep
And then I seek retreat in former beds
In night times long before the seeds were sown,
I did not know the patch's product then,
When nightly nod was doorway to a dream.
Fleeing now though, from sorrows of my patch,
I have to lay my head on pillows of past time
To see again the sights around me there
Only so does sleep slip 'round my patch
While I smell cool adobe,
Lie upon an army cot
Or sleep with Dude in childhood chamber,
Years ago
So long before my gate side patch was sown.
I am pleased to submit some of my husband's poems I found in a loose leaf notebook only a week or so ago. I had never seen them
before, but I am delighted that he left them. I want to share them with you. With love, annie

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