I was going through the simple note book of my husband's pen written poems, and I found this one speaking to me, PROCRASTINATION!! It was exactly what I needed to read. Yesterday was the first time I had seen the poem; today I am sharing it with you.
As a widow I find myself wanting to put things off..one more week, one more day..when I shouldn't dilly dally but proceed. Thank you sweet Ben.
It often seems
That neither one will do:
There's six in one, etcetera,
So at this time
I'll just do neither
Put decision off.
But NO!
Doing nothing
Just for now
Can make or break a man.
Every moment requires option,
Is a choice per force;
Nothing is but has its counter!
Procrastination is election,
Leads one to tomorrow
With all options taken.
I am publishing this especially for his progeny:
Ben, Roy, Anna, Lydia, William, Eva and Demi and of course "I needed that!" more than anyone.
Thank you sweet Ben.

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