Sunday, June 3, 2012


                         Walk the Line

The happy memories of how Ben became a movie extra will take several short entries. Here is how the adventure started. 
  One morning, June 5,1204, we got a phone call from Beth Greer Jones a dear friend. Not only had we graduated from Humes together (with Elvis in the building) but before that went all the way through Gordon together.  She had read the following in the Commercial Appeal.

An open casting call for a movie about Johnny Cash, called "Walk the Line," will be held June 5 at Overton High School, with shooting scheduled to begin June 28.

You don't have to be a high-school student, though. People of all ages and ethnicities are needed to portray townspeople, fans and churchgoers.

The film makers especially need adult men who can work one or two days during the week.

Casting directors will be there to answer questions. Applicants will be asked to fill out a form and to drop off a photograph of themselves, which will not be returned.

Applicants who interest the film makers will be called later for private auditions.

"Walk the Line" stars Joaquin Phoenix as Cash, Reese Witherspoon as June Carter Cash and Memphian Ginnifer Goodwin as Cash's first wife.

The movie is being produced by Cathy Konrad, of the "Scream" trilogy, and directed by "Cop Land" director James Mangold.

The film's title was inspired by Cash's 1956 hit for Sun Records. The "Walk the Line" casting call will take place from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., at 1770 Lanier, near I-240 and Perkins.

"Annie, Annie. Listen to this." She read the 

above article word for word. "This is for you,

this is for you! You have to audition."

Normally I am a big ham. But somehow this 

didn't grab me. Ben overheard my end

of the conversation and suddenly said,

"I want to do it. I want to audition."

I could not believe my ears because it was so 

unlike the Ben I knew.

So he found a suitable photo and we took off 

for Overton High School. We knew the school 

well. Roy had graduated from OVERTON


I had been a substitute teacher there for

several years and survived to tell about it.

 It was only a mile from our house and we

 arrived quickly only to find a line of people 

going all the way around the school.


 We stood in the hot sun for awhile, 

then when we got hungry decided to give

up and go home and eat some lunch.  Well, 

would you believe the pull was too strong;

we actually went back down there. 

 The line was just as long as before.

I admit it was so much fun. There were

people of all ages and all colors. The mood of

the crowd was so festive. Kids Jumping in the Air and Having Fun clipartHappy African American Woman Dancing clipart


We began to talk with people around us.

 Some Overton student helpers noticed

 us poor old people standing in line  facsimile just kidding!

  and escorted us  on into the school

building where tables were set up for the 

paper work. So Ben got registered quickly. 

On the way home we agreed we  had a

wonderful time, never dreaming he would

get a call back. Yet being in a crowd where

so much enthusiastic energy was being 

released, was exhilerating. And we agreed

it was a worthwhile endeavor probably 

leading to nowhere. We were starstruck.

So this ends part l. I admit I had fun reliving 

it; and that is the purpose of this blog,huh?

Back soon with part 2. Love, annie   



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