Friday, June 15, 2012


We had talked for weeks about the camping trip we would make that summer as soon as school was out.
Ben and I (both 33), Toog (7) and Roy (5) were all excited. Our camping supplies were few, but our enthusiasm was huge. 

We wanted our extended camping trip to include 
Rocky Mountain National Park,Very Large Grand Canyon, and 
Mesa Verde National Park. 

It was an ambitious undertaking that would last several weeks.

 Out first place to camp was in Colorado. Here is John Denver singing ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH. We were feeling pretty high ourselves.

The second camp site Welcome to Arizona Signis the one I really want to tell you about (although the whole trip was memorable.)

 When we reached it we were disappointed, not in the canyon because it was gorgeous as expected. But the camp ground had no view of the canyon and looked more or less like Shelby Forest at home.

 It was near dusk and we were starving. So we hurriedly put up our tent, planning to secure it better after we ate.  

 Then Ben and the boys built a fire. 

 I had brought cans of salmon and fresh spinach (maybe corn and other stuff I don't remember now) so we could have a feast at this awesome place. So I was excited about starting dinner.
Salmon patties on trayvvv
 Suddenly it grew dark. We heard thunder. The word "deluge" took on a new meaning. 

We had a tumultuous, pounding rain the likes of which we had never seen before.  The rain doused the fire. The salmon patties literally floated away...and all the dinner was ruined. 

We retreated into the tent for protection, only to find that the floor was sliding around and we could feel this mud squishing beneath it. 

We were drenched.
 Our feet were muddy!
 We were hungry.
 Yet we couldn't help but laugh about the salmon patties floating away. 

Then the rain stopped as suddenly as it started.

 There was nothing to do but leave everything the way it was and go out on the highway a piece and find somewhere to eat and  spend the night.

 What a place we found!! Movie Manor Motel.

 All the rooms' windows faced the screen of a drive in movie theater next door. Speakers
 in our room.  

So we actually had a fun ending to this disappointing day.

We ate our fast food while we snuggled up together and watched a movie. 

We tried not to think about our stuff still back at the Grand Canyon until the next morning. 

We camped at one more park before going home.
                          Mesa Verde National Park         
There was a post office there, where the boys got letters with dollar bills, gum, and such from kin folk.

But all in all it was a great trip, I won't ever forget, for sure.

 We went back to Grand Canyon several times and always loved it.

 But we NEVER camped there again, not EVER!! 

Now that I think of it, the four of us never camped ANYWHERE together again.

I have enjoyed reliving that wonderful memory ...and I am hoping you are reliving wonderful memories too!! 
Love, annie in memphis


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