Saturday, June 30, 2012


This is Ben playing cello his grandfather fixed. Roy, his brother, playing violin.
I could have titled this: the three times Daddy got me out of messes I got into!! Here is Daddy.Thinking..... 

   I called Roy Caldwell, "Daddy." But Ben and the boys and his other grandchildren called him "Gramps." 

 Like a BIG baby I called for Daddy!! to help me out of  messes I got myself into.  For example I saw a steel washer in a drawer for the faucet. Looked like the washer in the picture.  I thought it would make a cute ring. I put it on my finger, then it would not come off!! No way. My finger began to swell around it. No one was home. I called up "DAD-DY....!!" I explained what had happened and he came straight away...with his soldering iron  Soldering_iron : Technician Soldering a Red Wire on a Pure Black Background. and without burning me, he got that thing off. Thank you, Daddy!!

But this blog entry is about Ben's first cello...and his second one!!               stock photo : Young Boy Playing Cello 

He and Roy took group music lessons under wonderful Noel Gilbert, a local celebrity. 
Young boy practicing playing cello Stock Photo - 2011850 Ben had a rental from school and Roy played the family fiddle.

One day when we got home from string class, I slid my seat back, forgetting the cello was right behind it. OH, MY!! Crunch. The front was left with a hole in it. As usual, I was so immature I was crying my eyes out...When Daddy returned it, you could not tell by looking at it that it had  been damaged.

 A few years later, we  bought Ben a very nice cello;  it stood at the end of the piano, leaning against it. You guessed it!! I managed to break that one also.  I was vacuuming  the living room Royalty Free RF Clipart Illustration Of A Sexy Retro Woman Vacuuming by r formidableand backed up and knocked the cello over and broke its neck.

Again Daddy repaired it perfectly; and I never broke an instrument again &  never put a washer on my finger either!!

 I won't soon forget how Daddy got me out of a mess several times. Thank you, Daddy.

Here is a picture of Daddy far left with his bass... in church band.

Here is Ben, Jr. six years before he got his first cello.

This FADED PHOTO shows Ben, Jr. playing the cello with his brother, Roy on one side and his dad on the other.
This was another precious memory from a widow. Love, annie

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